Beach CubeCollab

Beach Collab

#bridge was this weeks theme for #cubecollab and the entries were all stunning! @veNext_gameing @JezJitzu @KatzuyaSagara @KelpoKing @_abonbon @saantonandre @kirishimaaa_@ BraincaseC @LouBagelCombo5 @Noxitive @leonheart515 @ZoAstra#pixelar t#pixelcollabs #collaboration

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Magic Cube Collab

Magic Collab

This weeks #cubecollab theme was #magic so here it is in all it glory! @Jin93101@kirishimaaa_ @BitJez @KatzuyaSagara@veNext_gameing@KelpoKing@leonheart515@BraincaseC#pixelart#pixelcollab#collaboration#ドット絵

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Cubecollab Grave Theme

CubeCollab Graves

This weeks #cubecollab was a huge success! The theme was #grave and this one turned out to be epic! @itrytomakegames @saantonandre @KatzuyaSagara @LienTheAlien @Jin93101 @KelpoKing @_abonbon @kirishimaaa_ @leonheart515 @BraincaseC @Noxitive @pigeonhat #pixelart #collaboration

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Cube Collab Slime Entry

As soon as slime was randomly selected I knew Slimer was goin to be the subject of my entry. Trouble is I quite often have an idea and then struggle to pull it off. And this is one of those occasions. I think I spent too much time on it…

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Cube Collab Beach Special Is Live

Beach Cubes

Here is the final piece from the #cubecollab #beach special. Excellent entries all round here! Thanks to everyone that took part! @Andrea_Zupcsan@Gokimster@leonheart515@jak_gem@daria_korotkykh@KelpoKing@IKnowKingRabbit@D44W33D ChasodeKibuchi (Discord) Will hopefully get the chance to set up another special soon.

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